Help Me_peliplat
Help Me_peliplat

Help Me (2014)

None | UK | English | 3 min
Directed by: Kamil Czechowski

A girl is doing her exams, when tiredness kicks in, she falls asleep. She wakes up to find herself alone in the building, she sees someone running away and someone else almost blinking in and out of existence. She tries to catch up with the girl running away but she disappears. She runs to the bathroom to take a moment of breather when she is startled in the bathroom by the girl running away. She runs out of the bathroom and gets startled by another girl. The girl continues to follow the tall girl when she finds a note on the floor near a peculiar door. A bell wakes her up once again, this time she is holding a piece of paper saying "Help Me" She realizes she must go back to that door, on her way the other girl stands in her way, but that doesn't stop her. She reaches the door and enters...

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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