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Revelations (2016)

15 (KR) | India | Tamil, English | 118 min
Directed by: Vijay Jayapal

The film is about Shobha, young Tamil woman, who lives in Kolkata with her husband Sekhar, a reporter for a daily newspaper. She is grappling with unknown tensions in her four year long marriage which leads to her form a complex relationship with her new neighbour Manohar, a middle-aged reclusive Tamil man, who has a mysterious past of his own. Meanwhile, Sekhar, unknown to Shobha, is drawn to his fellow reporter, Divya, a forthright Bengali girl who is open about what she wants in life. Soon, in this quadrangular tangle of lives, secrets are revealed that make Shobha decide on making a change. Set in the fascinating city of Kolkata, the film tries to explore themes such as guilt, redemption and female sexuality in the context of an Indian marriage.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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