My Heart Is an Octopus or My Father on the Shore of the Black Sea_peliplat
My Heart Is an Octopus or My Father on the Shore of the Black Sea_peliplat
Play trailer

My Heart Is an Octopus or My Father on the Shore of the Black Sea (2016)

None | Bulgaria, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Russia, USA | Bulgarian | 112 min
Directed by: Neno Belchev

As a story structure, it reminds a postmodern novel: fragmented, plot-less and on first view: chaotic. Individual pieces can be rearranged and each one has its own life. In terms of genre, the film stands on the border between pseudo-documentary, dark comedy, punk (as an attitude) and video-art.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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