Open Wounds_peliplat
Open Wounds_peliplat

Open Wounds (2021)

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Marc Allen

Erica (Emily Conley) is saddened by the lack of faith she finds in the world. Determined to make a change, she tries to convince her school principal, Principal Marks (Karla Dansereau) that prayer and bible study should be allowed back in school. Facing obstacles from her friends and Principal Marks, Erica pursues the matter and gets herself into a mess. With the help of the new performing arts teacher Miss Rainey (Trinity Dobbs) and the power of prayer, Erica finds a way to let Christ shine through her. In the end, sin is defeated and the open wounds in each person begins to heal.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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