Play trailer

Wilderness (2017)

15 (GB) | UK | English | 84 min
Directed by: Justin Doherty

John is a touring jazz musician who has never met a woman like Alice. That's because there aren't many women like Alice. Their love is urgent and physical and they have made heady declarations of their devotion to each other. Blowing out of the city like a whirlwind in the night, Alice and John flee to the sea riding a blissful wave of new love. Consumed in each other's bodies and thoughts the coast nourishes their growing affection and bond. Over the course of a romantic weekend getaway they come into contact with strangers and friends and the bubble threatens to burst as they discover the vulnerabilities, flaws and manipulations that were previously masked by the intoxicating fever of fleeting nights and snatched moments at the end of John's sets and between his tours around Europe and the States.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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