Against All Odds, the Making of DEUCE of SPADES_peliplat
Against All Odds, the Making of DEUCE of SPADES_peliplat

Against All Odds, the Making of DEUCE of SPADES (2016)

None | USA | English | 210 min
Directed by: Faith Granger

How the love for an old hot rod turned an everyday woman into a critically acclaimed, multi-award winning filmmaker, literally overnight. An inspiring story. The 6 episode mini-series documentary covers every aspect of independent-self-contained-no-budget filmmaking, including pre-production, production, post-production and release. It shows how Faith Granger, with her "Nothing is impossible" motto, was able to complete her first film Deuce Of Spades, "Against All Odds", despite all the overwhelming obstacles that stood in her way.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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