Settling Down_peliplat
Settling Down_peliplat

Settling Down (2016)

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Jackson Adams

When Grace sees that another one of her friends has gotten engaged, she finally decides she needs to have the 'commitment talk' with her boyfriend, Todd. Unfortunately she can't quite get up the nerve to talk to him in person, so she waits until he's asleep. She plays both sides in the resulting argument over Todd's sleeping body, and violently argues with herself about settling down. Eventually her argument with the abstract concept of 'Todd' wakes the real Todd up and she feigns sleep. In the morning, she tells Todd how happy she is where they are right now and Todd goes about his day blissfully unaware of her meltdown.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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