Keitai Ura Site: Kuchisake-onna_peliplat
Keitai Ura Site: Kuchisake-onna_peliplat

Keitai Ura Site: Kuchisake-onna (2010)

None | Japan | Japanese | 72 min
Directed by: Yûji Ichinose

Three journalists are investigating a malicious website, spreading the worst possible gossip about teenagers without a priori. Following the death of a girl concerned by the site in question and wildly disfigured, the rumor will swell and many will begin to think that Kuchisake onna is responsible for this chaos. Rather than this supernatural being with torn lips, the journalists go, during the interviews, to come to suspect a mother and his daughter having already been victim of this type of odious gossip on the web.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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