Bedeviled Territory_peliplat
Bedeviled Territory_peliplat

Bedeviled Territory (2017)

None | Canada | Russian, English | 25 min
Directed by: Alexander Formos

"Bedeviled Territory" is a dramatic thriller about an oppressive Husband ("Russia") who uses means of violence and aggression in order to contain his Wife ("Ukraine") inside their former house ("Soviet Union"). As "Russia" (Alexander Formos) is nearing towards the end of his life, he tries to understand how he got to that point and what role "Ukraine" (Veronica Formos) has played during "Russia's" last days. Scenes in the film represent actual historical events that have occurred in the relationship between Russia and Ukraine since Orange Revolution of 2004 in Ukraine. The stories of real life events told through the metaphors, nature, and human interactions. This film is the visual representation of the spiritual experience of a single human being as he remembers his departure from the physical vessel. The final moments of his life presented to him in the form of minimalistic narrative cinema. This film is created, shot and performed by two artists, real life husband, and wife, who were born in Ukraine and had personal connections to both Russia and Ukraine.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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