François Mitterrand: Bâtisseur de mystères_peliplat
François Mitterrand: Bâtisseur de mystères_peliplat

François Mitterrand: Bâtisseur de mystères (2017)

None | France | French |
Directed by: José Fosse

This documentary leads the viewer through a fascinating investigation into the hidden meanings behind the main architectural edifices commissioned and, above all, imposed by François Mitterrand as part of his Grands Projets. Although these extraordinary architectural achievements have a visible side that can be readily understood, like Mitterrand himself, they also have another more obscure and enigmatic side. What hidden meaning does each of these buildings carry? What message can be attributed to the systematic use of symbols in the civic buildings and monuments commissioned by François Mitterrand? New and previously unreleased accounts from the women and men close to François Mitterrand (Jack Lang, Michèle Cotta, Jean-Louis Bianco, Marie de Hennezel), architects, journalists, and Freemasons provide answers, revealing the secrets and intentions of François Mitterrand.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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