Hamlet Within_peliplat
Hamlet Within_peliplat

Hamlet Within (2022)

None | UK | English, German, Italian, French | 86 min
Directed by: Ken McMullen

Hamlet Within is a radical cinematic investigation into the myth of Hamlet, its origins and its enduring appeal across cultures and systems of beliefs. Drawing on post-modernist movements in Art, History, Philosophy, and Psychoanalysis, the work asks the question: "why Hamlet" and more appropriately perhaps, "why Now". As we delve into this inquisitive journey, actors and scholars come together in a semi-fictional discourse to expose the myths and principles behind Hamlet's construct as a folk story appropriated by Shakespeare in the late 16th Century. Shot in five acts and framed by a prelude and an epilogue, the work is a "meta modernist" collage of acted real-life monologues and staged dialogues, deciphering Hamlet's intricate plot and referencing some if its famous Soliloquies. McMullen also draws from his extra-ordinary archives of interviews with some of the most important thinkers of the 20th century to argue the validity and viability of the myth in today's world.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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