Louder Than Words_peliplat
Louder Than Words_peliplat

Louder Than Words

None |
Directed by: Chadd Stoops
This title has not premiered yet

Fear of having their ultimate humiliation shoved right back in their face, seven former college students reunite to finish a film they began 25 years before. When a group of college students finds out the film they'd worked on all Christmas break (that the college had funded) has no sound, just two scenes from completion, they sadly abandon the project due to lack of money and time. 25 years later, they discover their film was put inside a time capsule back in 1993, which will be released (as requested by their now dead teacher) "to the public 'as is'" unless they can break into the school, steal their footage, complete the film, and return it before it is released upon their awaiting fans of the "forgotten project".

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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