Through the Black Glass_peliplat
Through the Black Glass_peliplat
Play trailer

Through the Black Glass (2019)

None | Russia | Russian | 139 min
Directed by: Konstantin Lopushanskiy

One of the most popular plot lines in literature all around the world - and probably the favorite of women audiences - is the story of a handsome prince who saves a beautiful young woman or raises her up out of poverty and misery, grants her wishes, gives her his love and - of course - a throne, which she certainly deserves because of her kindness, beauty, and various other wonderful qualities. The variations on this theme are countless, from the classic "Cinderella" or "Scarlet Sails" to Chaplin's "City Lights." But we all know that a romantic story is one thing, while life is, alas, something else altogether. And that "something else" depends on the country and era. Our story takes place in today's Russia, and that explains a great deal.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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