Who I Say I Am_peliplat
Who I Say I Am_peliplat

Who I Say I Am (2016)

None | Trinidad and Tobago | English | 33 min
Directed by: Amir Aether Valen

The degree to which a person's name is a significant part of his or her identity varies from person to person. To some, a name is not merely a conglomeration of letters put together as a convenient way to refer to them. To some, it is the definition of their individualistic identity; a description of their personality and an interpretation of their traits. However, while some people try to live up to their names, others try to run away from it; for a lot of varying and justifiable reasons. "Who I Say I Am" is a short documentary film about the impact that a person's name has on their identity, and how it influences their sense of self. It tells the tale of a young man driven on a quest to discover what the names of people across all facets of society means to them in relation to their identity and sense of self, as he attempts in retrospect to find his own identity and be comfortable with his own sense of self.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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