Land of Island Treasures: Kangaroo Island_peliplat
Land of Island Treasures: Kangaroo Island_peliplat

Land of Island Treasures: Kangaroo Island (1989)

G (AU) | Australia | English | 30 min
Directed by: Ross Wurst

Come on a magical journey to an island paradise unlike any other in Australia. Beneath the lush green eucalypt canopy of Flinders Chase National Park, discover a colourful, hidden world of over 700 species of exotic native flora. An environment where animals roam secure and unhindered, relishing their natural life on nature's island ark...from slumbering sea lions at Seal Bay to inquisitive emus, friendly kangaroos and nonchalant koalas. Marvel at Remarkable Rocks, a spectacular work of art etched by Antarctic seas, perched precariously atop a granite dome. Travel to tranquil waters at American River where whalers once sheltered... and to Murray and Pelican Lagoons where endangered Cape Barron geese, majestic black swans and proud pelicans find safe haven. Discover the secret sandy beaches of Emu, Stokes and Antichamber Bays...and explore Admiral's Arch, a stunning coastal monument carved by rugged seas and relentless winds. Descend into Kelly Hill Caves, a magnificent calcite cathedral of dazzling colour formed over 140,000 years ago. This is a wondrous world of rare jewels, an island of natural charm and tranquility truly an island of nature's treasures.

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