
Vigilance (2017)

None | USA | English | 7 min
Directed by: J.R. Aiello

On a sunny afternoon in the park, a little girl named Clarissa Bowles is playing on the swings. Everyone in the park is occupied and distracted. Kids are texting and taking selfies or playing on the gym equipment. Adults are flying drones, playing ball, or doing Yoga. But Clarissa is being watched by a man in a car, who plays with a key ring full of ribbons, just like the one in the girl's hair. Clarissa is disappointed when she asks her mother, yoga instructor Sunny Bowles, to watch her on the swing. Clarissa decides to run and jump and play, almost getting hit by a bicycle. For a moment her mother notices and tells her to stay in site, but she soon ventures off to the woods. The man from the car follows her, unseen by anyone. The stalker loses sight of the girl in the woods, but soon spots her ribbon. He gently caresses it, but can find no sign of the girl. Venturing farther into the woods, he calls out for her, and is interrupted by a question behind him. It is one of the yoga people. Suddenly a gardener is behind him, then the rest of the people in the park. They surround him, blocking his escape. He tries to explain he was just out for a walk, but they know why he was there. Clarissa sister met with a predator years ago, and the people in the park have trapped each predator since then. When asked if they are going to call the police, they refuse, and kill him. Once he is planted with the previous stalkers, the group sets themselves in the park to wait for the next victim.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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