Deep Shit_peliplat
Deep Shit_peliplat

Deep Shit (2017)

16 (GB) | UK | English | 94 min
Directed by: Olumide Fadeyibi

A Bag, Three Friends, Three Gangs over Three Days with 3 Million Pounds at Stake! The central character 'Zila' (Uche Odoputa) travels to Scotland from Congo to visit his long term girlfriend 'Tandi' (Brun Njua) a hardworking, go-getter and 'Sodi' (Sodi Ojewuyi) Zila's intelligent, strategic-thinking childhood friend. Upon Arrival at Glasgow airport, Zila, distracted with the excitement of arriving in Scotland for the first time, picks up the wrong bag from the conveyor belt. On discovering his mistake, Zila wanted to return the bag to the airport. Tandi and Sodi suggested otherwise, convincing him to hold onto the bag and its contents. The bag is full of valuable contraband and the owner wants his bag back at all cost which lead to a vigorous chase in and around the Scottish city of Glasgow.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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