Sk8 Dawg_peliplat
Sk8 Dawg_peliplat
Play trailer

Sk8 Dawg (2018)

G (US) | USA | English | 90 min
Directed by: Ari Novak

Fourteen year old Tommy Schooner comes from a family whose lives revolve around skateboarding. His mom and dad own a rapidly growing skateboard company called Modern Skate that is preparing for a meeting with a large investment firm, headed by Mr. Hoffman. Also Tommy's sister is a professional skater and the public face of the company. Even his dog Buddy can shred with the best of them. While practicing skating with Buddy, Tommy accidentally runs into Frankie, a 17 year old local skater and town bully. After an argument, Tommy challenges Frankie to a skate competition. Unfortunately, Tommy didn't inherit his father's passion nor his sister's abilities, and the skate competition is in 5 days. With a lot of practice and a little help from his best friend Alice and his trusty dog Buddy, he just might be ready in time for the competition - and he might learn something about integrity along the way.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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