
Bergmandlc (2016)

None | Austria, Slovenia | German, Slovenian | 57 min
Directed by: Tilen Banko, Uros Zavodnik

Bergmandlc is youth SciFi thriller. The antagonistic mystery action drama inside of the abandoned mine of lead and zinc in Mezica (Slovenia) under the mountain Peca transfer the protagonists of the movie into the different time periods of the future (2028) and the past (2004). The story ravels here and now (2016) at the bilingual high school in Völkermarkt (Austria), between the professor Kaiser (Uros Zavodnik) and the student Andrej (Luka Krajnik), because of the conflict regarding Andrej's father (Daniel Zivkovic), who disappeared at the mine twelve years ago. Andrej's wish to find out the background of father's disappearance brings him and his school mates Michael (Christof Wrussnig) and Jessica (Verena Mischitz) inside of the dark tunnels of the abandoned mine. When they find themselves stretched between future and the past, they are confronted with their own existence and powerful desire the friendship can rise, to find each other again.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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