The Silent Scream_peliplat
The Silent Scream_peliplat

The Silent Scream (2017)

TV-MA (US) | USA | English | 29 min
Directed by: Arif Khan

After moving into a dilapidated apartment building, Angelika (the new tenant) begins hearing strange sounds between the walls, leading her to believe that she might be living next-door to a killer. A world-renowned flutist, Angelika is actually recovering from a recent bout of surgery to cure a series of seizures she's been having lately. There were complications during the operation that affected her vocal cords, thus leaving her temporarily voiceless. She's moved into this remote apartment to recover and rebuild her ability to play again. But until she's fully healed, Angelika has lost the ability to speak (or scream).

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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