Ichar Tharla Pakka_peliplat
Ichar Tharla Pakka_peliplat

Ichar Tharla Pakka (2012)

None | India | Marathi |
Directed by: Manohar Sarvankar

Avinash is the only son of richest farmer Madhavrao Pawar and Anandi Pawar.Madhavrao passes away when Avinash is still a child so Avinash is bought up with lots of Love.Avinash's only work is to sleep or else hang around with his friend Shirya.Since 20 years Tatay Deshmukh a Sarpanch is ruling his village by harassing them and the only person to oppose him was Marotrao Patil.Marotra's daughter Radhika returns from Mumbai after completing her education and they both fall in love.Then comes the Gram Panchayat Election when Avinash father's soul comes in his dreams and asks him to stand for election against Tatya Deshmukh,He ignores it at first but keeps on seeing the dream frequently.Radhika then convinces him to stand for elections as the village needs a Srapanch with good taught.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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