The Ethiopian Syndrome: A Journey to the Cradle of Monotheism_peliplat
The Ethiopian Syndrome: A Journey to the Cradle of Monotheism_peliplat

The Ethiopian Syndrome: A Journey to the Cradle of Monotheism (2017)

None | Israel | English | 32 min
Directed by: Uri Shapira

Dr. Galit Dayan-Tovel, an Egyptologist and historian, is presenting her ground breaking theory regarding the evolution of the monotheistic faiths. Throughout a journey in Ethiopia we explore the connection between ancient Egypt, the ancient Ethiopian kingdom, Judaism and Christianity. We examine different myths which appear in the different faiths-such as the ark of the covenant and we take a tour on the moon cult sanctuaries in Northern Ethiopia, to see how the dots connect

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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