Det umuliges kunst_peliplat
Det umuliges kunst_peliplat

Det umuliges kunst (2017)

None | Norway | Norwegian, English, Italian, Danish | 66 min
Directed by: Elsa Kvamme

In 1964 the Italian immigrant Eugeno Barba started Odin Teatret in an air-shelter in Oslo. Today they are one of the most famous theatre companies in the world, and Eugenio Barba is considered as one of the great innovators of modern theatre. They have the whole world as their stage, and have made the small Danish town Holsebro known as a city of culture. But what is driving him, and why does he think culture is so important to fight for in times of commercialism, apathy and terror? How does he inspire his group to be creative together for so long, and how will i t be to return to Norway, where it all started?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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