The Woodkin_peliplat
The Woodkin_peliplat

The Woodkin (2017)

None | Poland | Polish | 24 min
Directed by: Mateusz Motyka

Spring break 2007, Southern Poland. After ten years of absence, Krzysiek takes his son Hubert on a hunting trip. When he realizes that his son is not a kid anymore and reviving their relationship is harder than he previously assumed, he does everything to win him over. Treated as an adult and equal, Hubert slowly opens up to his father. Alcohol, the thrill of a hunt, and a warped sense of masculinity ease the broken bond, but there is something that Hubert struggles to tell his father. While two men are getting closer some lines get crossed and Krzysiek's immaturity leads to a tragedy.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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