Call of the Bell_peliplat
Call of the Bell_peliplat

Call of the Bell (2016)

None | Faroe Islands, UK | Faroese | 14 min
Directed by: Hanus Johannessen

Call of the Bell juxtaposes the belief systems of younger generations of Christians in the Faroe Islands, as opposed to the older moderate generation. We primarily interact with teacher, political advocate and father, Rani A. Skaalum as well as pensioner, housewife and believer Herborg Hansen from the island of Sandoy, who retell their experiences and opinions about Christian life in the Faroes then and now. Associate professor and former minister on Sandoy, Jákup Reinert Hansen, provides theological and societal framework via narration.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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