Keranir Jiban_peliplat
Keranir Jiban_peliplat

Keranir Jiban (1953)

Not Rated (US) | India | Bengali | 119 min
Directed by: Dilip Mukherjee

Keranir Jiban is a social drama which portrays the ups and downs of our main protagonist Mr. Bidhu, his life and his family. He has a happy family with two sons and four daughters and they live together with love. His son Potla was a popular theatre actor with much intelligence and very popular. Mr. Bidhu is the only earning member of his family and he works hard to earn and support his family. Their family goes through many ups and downs in poverty and fight through all their struggles and pains. In the end, Potla falls sick and is diagnosed with T.B. and sadly, he suffers and dies. The movie runs through many emotional layers, social themes of social class and lifestyles of the poor and weak. It teaches the importance of family and hardwork and imparts life advice to accept all that life gives you and take it in your stride to deal with it and carry forward strongly. The story ends with Mr. Bidhu who continues to work hard in life to try and forget his sorrows and sadness and supports his family.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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