The Herald_peliplat
The Herald_peliplat

The Herald

None | Germany, China, USA | English, Chinese | 95 min
Directed by: Cui Lei
This title has not premiered yet

This film is the first installment of the ARK Trilogy, adapted from the science fiction novella, "Guide to Quantum Civilization", written by director Lei Cui. It focuses on a near-future story of Eve, an artificial intelligence robot during the quiet arrival of the four-dimensional beings, who fabricate a perfect set of lies by using the mystery of Kevin's origins, to shatter Darwinian evolution theory and leads everyone to believe that the Earth is merely an "ark" system, that triggers the beginning of a chronicle of the exploring the mysteries of human origins and extraterrestrial civilizations..

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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