The Farewell_peliplat
The Farewell_peliplat

The Farewell (2013)

None | Croatia | Croatian | 80 min
Directed by: Slobodan Jokic

Nina, a young activist, is selling her family home, which is close to a factory in Vranjic. Her boyfriend, Srdjan, is going to work in Germany as a dentist and is leaving Nina and her strong, but blind mother, Carmen, for good. Nina is waiting for the results of a medical check-up. She is concerned because she could have inherited a genetic disease from her father, who died from Asbestosis. Nina's doctor Lidija is having a lesbian relationship with Nina's friend Iva, who wants to keep it secret. The Minister of the Environment is being interviewed on a local radio station in Split while the destinies of the people of Kastela Bay remain tied to the dangerous pollution of their environment that has continued unabated for the last century.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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