
Mulo (2019)

None | UK | 27 min
Directed by: Linda Cairns

Mulo- dead man, ghost (Romani translation) The Romani believe that when a person dies, certain death rituals must be completed and taboos avoided for fear of creating a Mulo. A haunting spirit that remains attached to the wrongdoer. In a small copse of trees on the edge of London North Circular Rd, a group of Roma, Romanian and Bulgarian economic migrants live and die. Nameless and unseen the city's eyes are turned elsewhere as the hard truths of survival and isolation play out. Nicu our protagonist, injured and unable to work, finds a dead mans money. He is forced into a uneasy pact with the man who bullies and exploits him, a fixer called Florin. Alienated he begins to experience strange and psychologically haunting manifestations. He has to make the grim choice between perdition and redemption.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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