Susurrar es nada/Whispering is Nothing_peliplat
Susurrar es nada/Whispering is Nothing_peliplat

Susurrar es nada/Whispering is Nothing (2017)

None | UK | Spanish |
Directed by: Derekk Ross

In Act 1 Scene ii of Shakespeare's 'The Winter's Tale', Leontes (king of Sicilia) has become suddenly and irrationally jealous of his best friend from childhood, Polixenes (now king of Bohemia) - convinced (erroneously) that his wife Hermione is openly conducting an affair with him. Camillo, trusted royal court advisor and close friend of Leontes is shocked to be confronted with the king's accusations towards his wife, but remains powerless to defend the innocent queen and is forced to comply, in words at least, with the king's final murderous demands.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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