PLUM: A Baseball Life_peliplat
PLUM: A Baseball Life_peliplat

PLUM: A Baseball Life (2021)

None | USA | English | 64 min
Directed by: Conor Fitzgerald

Minor league baseball coaches are never given the credit they deserve. Here players from around the country help tell the story of the career of baseball lifer Bill Plummer. Plum, as he is known by everyone in professional baseball, spent 53 season in professional baseball. After a playing career most well known for being Johnny Bench's backup with the Big Red Machine, Plummer coached professionally from 1979 to 2017. He held every job at every level of professional baseball from the independent Western Baseball League to manager of the 1992 Seattle Mariners. Plummer's coaching significantly impact the career of countless major league players, including Edgar Martinez, Omar Vizquel, Miguel Montero, Harold Reynolds, and Phil Nevin. Even after his retirement, Plummer's influence is still felt throughout baseball, as his pupils are managers, general managers, coaches, announcers, and commentators.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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