Night of the Kings_peliplat
Night of the Kings_peliplat
Play trailer

Night of the Kings (2020)

R (US) | France, Côte d'Ivoire, Canada, Senegal | French, Dyula, Nushi | 93 min
Directed by: Philippe Lacôte

The wild 'auto-gestioned- prison of Abidjan becomes the theater of a fight for power, as the old 'chief' of the prison must submit his power, due to illness. This last night of the blood full moon a newcomer assumes the role of the storyteller, not knowing that this will end to his own death. To stay alive, he begins to tell the story of a fellow criminal in the slum of Abidjan, and how he was driven to his death.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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