Last Press Conference_peliplat
Last Press Conference_peliplat

Last Press Conference

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Frank H. Cutler, Lenni Uitto
This title has not premiered yet

Warrantless FBI wire taps and cryptic CIA messages about the assassination of political leaders all come into play in this short film exploring Marilyn Monroe and what may have been inspiring her as an actress in the last weeks of her life--and who may have been conspiring against her. She was scheduled to appear at a press conference on Monday, August 6, 1962. She died less than 48 hours before she could get there. Many wonder what she would have said--would she have been a vengeful, vindictive vixen, unleashing at President John F. Kennedy for supposedly spurning her, revealing secrets he'd shared with her in retaliation? Or, would she have been the picture-perfect expression of grace, beauty, and style? This short drama takes creative license and gives her a voice from the dust, allowing her to appear at the press conference and regain the dignity that was stolen from her when she died.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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