Bond engages in a brutal fight with three men in a dressing room. One man's head is slammed into a wall several times, another man has a chair broken over his head, and another man's head is smashed into a mirror. Bond has a bottle broken over his head at one point, and is punched repeatedly, but manages to defeat all three.
Two young men fight in a dojo with swords, and both kick each other several times. One is eventually stabbed and falls backward, with blood visible on his clothing.
Bond prepares to fight a man in a dojo, but suddenly kicks him in the head, knocking him out. Another man steps in and prepares to fight Bond, and the two engage in a lengthy, brutal fight. Bond dives through a window and lands outside, and a man and two girls rush to help him. A large group of men from inside the dojo come out to attack Bond, but the man and girls fight off the entire group, defeating all of them.
After a brief gun battle, a man is shot in the head in the beginning, and a bullet hole is seen in his forehead with some blood visible.
A woman is shot, and a small hole with some blood is seen under her neck.
A plane explodes.
A man is knocked out with a wrench, and falls into a pool.
There's a brief boat chase, and Bond drives his boat through his pursuers', and their boat breaks in half and they fall into the water.
Bond fights two sumo wrestlers, and he brutally hits them, but one of them grabs him and tries to crush him. He pulls the man's cloth around his waist until it gives him a wedgie, and he continues to fight, but is knocked out.
There are a few explosions in this movie.
A man is frozen.