Kilma, Queen of the Jungle_peliplat
Kilma, Queen of the Jungle_peliplat

Kilma, Queen of the Jungle (1974)

A (ES) | Spain | Spanish | 88 min
Directed by: Miguel Iglesias

in 1959 Africa, a Dutch millionaire accompanied by his daughter, travels in his private aircraft with a cargo of diamonds. Trying to prevent a kidnapping attempt, the kidnapper shoots the pilot, and the aircraft crash-lands in the impenetrable jungle. Fifteen years later, the legend of Kilma the Jungle Goddess spreads from the native tribes to the ears of Isabel, who decides to search for Laura, her missing child lost in the plane crash. She hires a television reporter and explorer, Albert, to do the research for her, accompanied by Laura's uncle Johan. However, three poachers also learn of Kilma from a native who had stolen a big diamond from her--and they haste to find her, and more diamonds. Albert finds Kilma first, who is actually Laura, but is reluctant to force her to abandon her natural wild companions, the jungle animals with whom she has grown up. Uncle Johan convinces her to show him the remains of the aircraft; he expects to find the lost diamonds his brother was carrying, but he is captured by the three poachers. Johan makes an agreement with the poachers to share the diamonds, but they're to kill Laura, her father's heir. Johan must fight hand-to-hand against a crocodile and men worse than beasts.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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