Savage Attraction_peliplat
Savage Attraction_peliplat
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Savage Attraction (1983)

R (US) | Australia, West Germany | English, German | 90 min
Directed by: Frank Shields

Horrific true tale set in late-'70s Australia about Christine Lewis, a naive 16-year-old who, in 1974, meets Walter Maresch, a handsome German immigrant working as a carny, and they quickly fall in love. However, his secret sadistic side quickly begins to reveal itself and he manages to strong-arm her into marriage. Things get progressively worse even after they have a baby, but her nightmare truly begins when he reveals to her that he is actually a fanatical member of the banned Nazi Party and forces her to move with him to West Germany, where the neo-Nazi group he belongs to operates. As his abusive behavior worsens and his neo-Nazi activities turn violent, she's forced to choose between her life - and his.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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