Mit starrem Blick aufs Geld_peliplat
Mit starrem Blick aufs Geld_peliplat

Mit starrem Blick aufs Geld (1983)

12 (XWG) | West Germany | German | 106 min
Directed by: Helga Reidemeister

Hilde has always been the more beautiful, the more attractive, the more problematic of the two sisters. In her youth, in Helga's eyes, she is unpleasant competition, superficial, easy to have. Twenty years later, the unequal sisters contribute to a policy of women in their own way: Helga as a filmmaker behind the camera, Hilde as a model in front of it. But suddenly there is something that wakes Helga's interest. A quiet resistance shimmers through the surface gloss. All the improvement on your own body. All the show. How does that actually feel, a normal everyday life? "I just struggle a little, do I go down completely or do I appear in the end and am liberated?" Starting from the most personal longings, Helga Reidemeister succeeds in concluding general reality.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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