Mniejsze niebo_peliplat
Mniejsze niebo_peliplat

Mniejsze niebo (1981)

None | Poland | Polish | 96 min
Directed by: Janusz Morgenstern

The story of a successful microbiologist who unexpectedly decides to abandon his career and his loving family. He heads for the local railway station and checks in at a nearby hotel. Artur refuses to get back to normal despite having multiple conversations with a psychiatrist, his loyal friend and his own son. All he does is people-watching at the station. A TV reporter is trying to come up with a story which would help him save his job. He's a well-known womaniser and Artur's wife was his ex-girlfriend. He gets interested in the story of her husband and tries to make a program about the mysterious wandering individual. Once the TV crew arrives at the scene, Artur tries to escape and ends up on the roof of the station, where he catches a glimpse of sunshine - the "smaller sky" from the title - before stepping onto the glass and falling to his death.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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