Les spécialistes_peliplat
Les spécialistes_peliplat
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Les spécialistes (1985)

Tous publics (FR) | France | French | 94 min
Directed by: Patrice Leconte

During a routine transfer of prisoners from one jail to another, an accused cop killer, Paul Brandon, is temporarily chained to a con with only a year left to serve, Stéphane Carella. Paul bolts pulling the reluctant Stéphane with him. They escape to a farmhouse whose lovely owner Laura lost her husband to a cop's bullet; so she agrees to assist them. Once out of their chains, Paul proposes the burglary of a casino owned by the Mafia. Stéphane and Laura agree, but Stéphane soon learns that Paul is an undercover cop whose burglary plot is a ruse to start a war between rival gangs. Can they avoid detection? And what about the heist?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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