Restrisiko oder Die Arroganz der Macht_peliplat
Restrisiko oder Die Arroganz der Macht_peliplat

Restrisiko oder Die Arroganz der Macht (1989)

None | West Germany | German | 90 min
Directed by: Claus Strigel, Bertram Verhaag

The Bavarian Ministry for the Environment announces a hearing to discuss the final seal of approval for the Building of a nuclear power plant. 881000 people who have protested in writing against the building of this plant are "to be heard". The film documents the way in which, during this show of democracy, the last thread of genuine democracy is systematically debilitated and with it, the last remaining risk which could thwart the plans of the pro-atomic lobby.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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