Born to Fight_peliplat
Born to Fight_peliplat

Born to Fight (1989)

TV-PG (US) | Italy, Philippines | Tagalog, Filipino, Italian, English | 94 min
Directed by: Bruno Mattei

Super tough Vietnam War veteran Sam Wood is a survivor of a vicious prison camp where he was brutally and painfully tortured before finally managing to escape. When Wood returns to rescue his friends, he finds that they are already dead. Some time later a woman named Maryline Kane offers him a tremendous amount of money if he will accompany her back to the area where the prison camp was to do interviews for a documentary story. It all turns out to be a lie - her father is now a prisoner in the camp, and she knows that only a man like Wood can help set him free. Sam adopts a proposal, but the situation is much more complicated, because the camp is now run by his old nemesis Duan Loc.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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