Dark Obsession_peliplat
Dark Obsession_peliplat

Dark Obsession (1989)

NC-17 (US) | UK | English | 100 min
Directed by: Nick Broomfield

Hugo (Gabriel Byrne), heir to a fortune, is married to Ginny (Amanda Donahoe). They have a young son, and she seems devoted to Hugo, but jealousy wracks him. He imagines her in the arms of a colleague, he spies on her, he rages. One night, after drinking with members of his regiment, he runs his car over a woman: she dies, and all but one of his pals urge him to drive on. Why didn't he stop or swerve? She looked like Ginny. A psychological tug of war ensues: Peter (Struan Rodger), Hugo's business associate, wants to use the cover-up to leverage power over the estate; Jamie (Douglas Hodge), who's dating Hugo's sister, wants to go to the Police. Hugo's family closes ranks. As the Police investigation closes in, who wins the power struggle?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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