American Dream_peliplat
American Dream_peliplat
Play trailer

American Dream (1990)

PG-13 (US) | UK, USA | English | 98 min
Directed by: Barbara Kopple, Cathy Caplan, Thomas Haneke, Lawrence Silk

Chronicles the six-month strike at Hormel in Austin, Minnesota, in 1985-86. The local union, P-9 of the Food and Commercial Workers, overwhelmingly rejects a contract offer with a $2/hour wage cut. They strike and hire a New York consultant to manage a national media campaign against Hormel. Despite support from P-9's rank and file, FCWU's international disagrees with the strategy. In addition to union-company tension, there's union-union in-fighting. Hormel holds firm; scabs, replacement workers, brothers on opposite sides, a union coup d'état, and a new contract materialize. The film asks, was it worth it, or was the strike a long-term disaster for organized labor?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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