Moment of Truth: Stalking Back_peliplat
Moment of Truth: Stalking Back_peliplat

Moment of Truth: Stalking Back (1993)

15 (GB) | USA | English | 96 min
Directed by: Corey Allen

Based on a true story on Linda Anello's fight to outlaw stalking in Florida. Laurisa Anello is a happy intelligent 14 year old teenager. She has taken the eye of Curtis Harper, a twenty-something man with an emotional imbalance who umpires softball games, and is a volunteer fireman. He continuously hounds her, and the Anello's find that the authorities can't do anything about it. So they issue a restraining order, which he does not abide by. In the next couple of years, he continues to stalk Laurisa and it makes her scared to go away to college. It also causes her to lose friendships. Laurisa'a mother, Linda, attempts to get the Florida supreme court to outlaw stalking. Can she finally stop the madness before it is to late?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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