Rozmowa z czlowiekiem z szafy_peliplat
Rozmowa z czlowiekiem z szafy_peliplat

Rozmowa z czlowiekiem z szafy (1993)

15 (GB) | Poland | Polish | 90 min
Directed by: Mariusz Grzegorzek

Charles sits for hours in a wardrobe in a rented room on the attic, looking back on his whole life. He was brought up by a single mother who loved his only child with a sick desperate feeling and limited all his world to her own person. Charles' tragedy began with his adolescence. It made his mother aware of her feminity that resulted in her new marriage. Together with a new husband she decided to send the boy to a school for retarded children. Upon leaving the school Charles starts to seek his longing mother who moved out, in a meanwhile, not giving any address...

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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