West New York_peliplat
West New York_peliplat

West New York (1996)

R (US) | USA | English | 86 min
Directed by: Phil Gallo

An ex-cop supervises the destruction of corporate bonds redeemed by a New Jersey bank. He plans to steal small amounts of the paper from each shipment without raising suspicion and have a small- time fence from his old neighborhood find a buyer for the stolen bonds. The local mob boss, angry because he is not cut in on the deal, has the 'fence' brutally murdered. He orders his hitman to eliminate the out-of-town buyers and find the 'inside' man. Tom is abducted by the buyers and persuaded to pull off a large scale theft of bonds. He asks help from another ex-cop, his former rookie partner. Tom is killed in a botched exchange and Jimmy and Tom's daughter, DIANE agree to complete the deal and get the men responsible for Tom's death.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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