Fire on the Mountain_peliplat
Fire on the Mountain_peliplat
Play trailer

Fire on the Mountain (1996)

None | USA | English | 72 min
Directed by: Beth Gage, George Gage

A documentary film about the exploits of the Tenth Mountain Division, an elite group of mountain soldiers who fought decisive battles against the Germans in the Italian Alps during the final days of World War II. The film also attempts to keep up with alumni from the Tenth who have made a name for themselves, and meets with partial success (they note the founder of Nike, the president of the Sierra Club, and the first owners of Vail Ski Resort, but seem to have left out one Robert Dole, presidential candidate, who lost the use of his right hand serving in the Tenth).

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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