A man is shot several times from under a staircase, you see bloody bullet wounds and blood trails on the floor.
A man is shot in the head, you see a bloody bullet hole and blood spray on the wall.
A man gets an axe put through the back of his head, blood pours out of his mouth.
A man has some sort of stroke and starts to choke.
Several people are shot in the chest by a pistol, you see bloody bullet wounds.
A man is shot in the neck then shot several times afterwards, you see several bloody bullet wounds and blood pour from his neck.
People are shot in the leg, you see bloody bullet wounds.
A man gets his arm blown off then riddled with machine gun bullets, you see blood spurt from his bloody limb and blood spray when riddled with bullets.
A man holds a gun to a child.
A women is shot in the liver and dies of blood loss, you see her bloody bullet wound and blood on the floor.