Shadow of the Boomerang_peliplat
Shadow of the Boomerang_peliplat

Shadow of the Boomerang (1960)

None | Australia | English | 95 min
Directed by: Dick Ross

"Shadow of the Boomerang" is the story of American brother and sister Bob and Kathy Prince, who move to Australia to manage a cattle station owned by their father. Bob has a racist attitude and always has a negative word to add. Kathy, on the other hand, is a sincere, lovable character who provides a reasonable balance. But after hearing a message by evangelist Billy Graham on the radio, Bob has a change of heart and learns to accept the Aboriginal people. "Shadow of the Boomerang" incorporates the Christian message into cinema. Seeing a person turn and make an active decision to follow Jesus doesn't happen in many films. Many have explored the issues of spirituality, religion and God, yet Shadow of the Boomerang makes it clear that Jesus is the focus, not an ambiguous "spiritual meaning."

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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