Matters of the Heart_peliplat
Matters of the Heart_peliplat

Matters of the Heart (1974)

None | Soviet Union | Russian | 92 min
Directed by: Azhdar Ibragimov

The film describes people who, during times of trouble, can help anyone who finds themselves in a difficult situation - these are emergency doctors. One of the main characters of the film is an emergency doctor who faces various emergency situations. He cares for patients and helps them cope with a variety of illnesses, from heart attacks to injuries and side effects from medications. He combines professionalism with humanity, coping with several patients at the same time and not forgetting love and friendship. The film also features various characters who face their own individual challenges. They receive support from their family, friends and colleagues, as well as from emergency physicians who help them cope with medical problems. Matters of the Heart is a film drama that reflects our humanity by showing how we can fight various problems using love, friendship and professionalism. This is a film that will teach audiences the value of health and the work of health care professionals who offer their help when we need it most.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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